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technique: acrylics & monotyping

This is an illustration of my dissertation project. As subject I chose James Matthew Barrie's book Peter Pan. The style of the images is very rough and dark. It primarily addresses adults and adolescents.

This portrait of captain Hook was one of my first illustrations for the project. In the book Hook is described as blue-eyed. People usually associate attractiveness with blue eyes. My intention was to create something unwelcoming like Peter Fonda's character in Sergio Leones »Once upon a time in the west«.
Because of my original concept to distance my project from present rather childlike interpretations of Peter Pan, I visualized this feature of Hook's appearance in the most horrific way. I like the face shaping out of the background combined with the flashing blue eyes.

Here, I put together an arrangement of my best illustrations. To display an image click on a thumbnail below, for more of my work please visit the GALLERY.

pirate with parrot Peter Pan crocodile Hook pirates and children wombat flamingo and lion little piglet Europe a wight leopard caracara yeti illustration Streifband-magazine underwater chute double pan balance djinn

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