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In the jungle

»The collector of worlds«

technique: digital painting

This illustration appeared as a calendar sheet in the annual Büchergilde calendar of 2009. The calendar's topic was Iljia Trojanows book »The collector of worlds«. The book is about the British explorer Richard Burton who travelled India, Africa and the Orient during his term of service in the army.

This illustration was also done for a course at Fachhochschule Mainz (University of applied sciences), instructed and organized by Felix Scheinberger. Not so up to date right now, but still available, for instance via Amazon.

Published by Edition Büchergilde, first edition.
ISBN-10: 3940111503
ISBN-13: 978-3940111500

Overview Fiction

This topic primarily concentrates on illustrations of literature, in this case mostly novels and short stories.

The collector of worlds The mermaids lagoon The pirate ship The lost boys The flight Hornbill The hook Peter vignette of pan pipes Peter on the roof vignette of a rock The open window At the plank On deck wight with sou'wester The wolf waiting for the bus The wolf waiting for the bus

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